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It’s now my third week at connective3 and the one thing that has been clear to me since day one is how learning and development is a cornerstone of the company culture. As a business grows, the people within the business need to grow too and this can only be achieved by having a platform to help them learn and progress.

In light of Learning at Work Week 2020, I’ve compiled a list of the different ways we are continuing to help our team learn and progress whilst working remotely.

Morning calls:

Whilst we all work remotely, communication has never been more important. Therefore, each morning we have been holding video calls via Teams at 9 am. Everyone joins (cameras on, even if we are in our PJs) and we use this time to talk through existing client work as well as new work coming in. This gives a picture of the teams that are collaborating with one another, and the work they are delivering. Not only does this help with cross channel understanding, but it also allows others to ask questions, gather new insight, and so on.

How-to videos:

In the office, should someone have a tech issue or need a hand using a new tool, our Technical and Insights Director, Alan, is the go-to. However, working from home means we can’t just shout “Alan” every two seconds so he can come over and help. Luckily for us, Alan regularly shares helpful videos on how to complete various tasks. From navigating Teams, to creating pivot tables in excel and using fancy new formulas to analyse data, Alan’s videos are helping us become more insightful. He even ran his very own beginner to excel training remotely and now we are all pros (kind of).

Sharing inspiration:

From Google updates, to industry news, media opportunities, creative campaigns, webinars, or just cool things we like, when we come across something, we believe is super helpful for the team, we share. After all, sharing is caring, right?


Another thing we have shared for inspo is our Leeds takeaway map to support local businesses (as well as the office foodies) in and around Leeds. We built this using Google Maps. Feel free to go take a look!


Cross-department training:

More than ever we are encouraging cross-department training so those who work in different departments can learn from each other. For example, Claire, our Paid Media Director has scheduled an intro to paid media session to go through how the team plan and buy media beyond search, something our new starters will especially find useful. We have also run training sessions remotely with our SEO and PR teams.

It’s no secret that it’s a testing time for everyone at the moment and some may find working from home more difficult than others. However, by taking an active role in the development of employees, it does help create a culture where people feel valued and confident that they will meet their career goals.

To find out more about what we’ve been up check out our twitter or contact us directly.