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When working with clients, we are faced with similar questions around the CRO process and what results can be achieved. So here are some of the commonly asked topics, to reduce any barriers to optimising your website.

I don’t have much development resource, can I still test?

Yes, A/B testing is intended to make sure you are being as resourceful as possible, with the development capabilities that you have available. Working with us, we are able to utilise our own development resource to build the A/B tests. This means that there is minimal resource required on a client side, and we are able to efficiently start testing various opportunities on your website.

It is well known that not all A/B tests are successful – which is why testing is so important. So therefore, by testing you are ensuring that your development teams are only implementing changes that will have a positive impact on your core website metrics, with a potential increase to business revenue too.

Doesn’t it take a long time to get set up and started?

Although it may seem like a lot of work and time to get set up to begin A/B testing, there are generally only a few steps that are required:

  1. Insert the testing tool snippet onto your website.
  2. Integrate your analytics and testing tool with one another – this is particularly easy if using the Google suite.
  3. Compile opportunities of areas that could be improved or have pain points.
  4. Build the basic outline of your test within the testing tool, including the page you are changing and any targeting rules.
  5. Implement the alternative code for your variations(s).
  6. QA your triggering rules and the functionality of your variation(s).
  7. Set the test live and monitor.

Of course, there are more complex considerations such as the sample size and statistical significance required for each of the tests, but the initial set up is not as time consuming as it may first appear.

Do we get enough traffic on our website to test?

As mentioned above, sample size and statistical significance are really important factors to deem if a test has been successful and if the results can be attributed back to the A/B test. So, without having high traffic volumes, it can sometimes be difficult to test. However, reviewing traffic volumes for individual pages may give you an idea of the best area to test on. There is also the option to modify your KPIs to make sure that these accurately reflect the traffic volumes that you have on your website, for example looking at next step progression rather than overall conversion rates.

Depending on specific client needs, there are alternative suggestions to A/B testing that we may often advise. These could range from running user research sessions instead, or implementing a change for all users – but then monitoring performance.

Always optimise your website

No matter the approach, understanding your users and having a testing strategy on your website is always essential to keep up with your users ever changing requirements.


Want to find out how we would approach testing on your website? Contact us here