Fridays are really flying by, and it’s already that time of the week again with the c3 PR team pulling together all the key information you need about what’s happening in the world of PR from the 17th – 23rd May.
From National Smile Month to the ONS UK HPI, and English Tourism Week, here are some dates you might want to take note of…
Run by the Oral Health Foundation, National Smile Month is a charity campaign which focuses on raising awareness on having good oral hygiene, and a great smile to go with it.
Perhaps you have a health-related client who could offer some top tips on achieving your best smile, or the worst food and drinks that can damage your smile? There is also the opportunity for more fun lifestyle campaigns. For instance, you could do a quiz where people have to guess the celebrity smile, or a piece looking at the top things that make people smile.
You can find out more information about the campaign here.
International Museums Day is a global annual celebration ran by ICOM (International Council of Museums), which takes place on the 18th May this year, with the aim to raise awareness about the cultural value of museums.
This would be a great opportunity for those in the art, tourism or business industries, as you can offer some commentary on the history of particular museums and the pieces they have on display. Alternatively, you might want to launch a campaign looking at the most visited museums around the world, or create a guide for any art-lovers hoping to learn more about their favourite piece.
We’re not sure how a month has already passed, but it’s yet again time for the next release of the ONS UK House Price Index. As always, this is a great newsjacking opportunity for any clients in the property industry – just make sure you get your voice heard early.
To find the upcoming report released on Wednesday, head here.
Perfect for those in the domestic travel or business industry, English Tourism Week is organised by VisitEngland with the slogan for 2021 being “Here for Tourism”.
Of course, this last year has not been the easiest for those in the tourism sector, but the UK has so much to offer and with everything beginning to open up again, this is the perfect opportunity to share some expert insight, or even compile together the ultimate UK roadtrip. Honestly, there is so much you can do here.
You can find out more about English Tourism Week here.
Hopefully, you’ll find this helpful when planning some of your content for the week ahead. Want to learn more about our PR work? Head over to our PR page and get in touch.