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Twitter is a powerful tool for PR, whether it’s to follow the news, build relationships with journalists, source information, or find inspiration. Be sure to use it to your advantage, as it will enable you to keep up to date with what’s going on in your industry and will help you to get those creative juices following when planning the next campaign.

With that in mind I’ve pulled a list of some of my favourite Twitter accounts for PR inspiration. Now, I’m sure there are many that deserve to be on the list but in my experience these accounts are guaranteed to make you a better PR!

Top tip: change your settings on Twitter so that you get notifications every time a new tweet gets published on these accounts.

1. Digital PR Examples


Digital PR Examples is an amazing Twitter feed, its packed with great campaigns, digital PR top tips and industry news.

2. Famous Campaigns


Famous campaigns (formerly known as PR examples) showcases the best PR campaigns from around the world. A brilliant account that keeps you up to date with campaigns that are going viral right now.

3. The Pudding


The Pudding is a data visualisation source that is filled with super detailed and unique infographics, it’s bound to get you thinking outside of the box!

4. Visual Capitalist


The Visual Capitalist displays data driven visual content focused on global trends, investing, technology, and the economy. Their website is also a catalogue of data led visuals, it’s worth bookmarking on your internet browser.


5. Information is beautiful


Information is Beautiful is appropriately named as it shares ‘beautiful’ data visualisations, making statistics easy to understand.

6.Brilliant Maps


An Atlas for the curious minds, using maps to showcase data on a multitude of topics from top tourist attractions, to crime rates, house prices and weather effects.




If you happen to have a financial client, this account will offer you plenty of inspiration. turns complicated economic and financial matters into digestible, unique and easy-to-understand visuals and insightful articles.


8.National Press Visuals

A variety of national press have a twitter account for their visual led news stories, here are my favorites:


9. Follow Journalists

Following journalists on Twitter is a simple way for you to see what interests them in everyday life, a great tactic to know before pitching. Also, interacting in their conversations helps to nurture a relationship and makes your name more recognisable to them.

10. Follow others in the PR industry

Digital PR has such a great support network on Twitter, use this to your own advantage to see what fellow PR’s are actively doing from campaign challenges to successes.