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It’s that time again… what’s coming up in the world of Digital PR next week?

From the Chinese New Year to National Storytelling week, the beginning of February is full of brilliant opportunities for brands and organisations to get involved and make a difference in their industry by using these simple newsjacking opportunities.

LGBT History Month, 1st February – 28th February

LGBT History Month is an annual, month-long event founded in 1993 which runs from the 1st Feb to the 28th Feb.

National Storytelling Week, Saturday 29th Jan – 5th February

National Storytelling Week is an event that takes place across the UK, including theatres, museums, schools, and hospitals. It encourages book reading and has seen a significant rise in popularity in recent years.

If you work in these industries, you can create inspiring campaigns or events, such as hosting book reading sessions for young children and raising awareness about the week through social media.

Time to Talk Day, Thursday 3rd February 2022

Time to talk day is a brilliant way for your clients to show their support for people struggling in silence. In aid of this National Day, why not raise awareness to safe working spaces, or start conversations within your local community to represent togetherness.

Examples of the great work of other charities include Manchester Mind and Rethink Mental Ilness, who both partnered with the Co-op to break the stigma of mental health.

Companies can get involved by planning a community event, or by just checking in on loved ones and employees. Free resource packs can be found online, along with tips for talking.

ONS Divorces in England Wales: 2020 get released on the 1st February

ONS releases its divorce stats in England and Wales next week, detailing divorce numbers, rates, sex, age, and their previous marital status.

With Valentine’s Day coming up, this could be seen as a great opportunity for clients in many sectors, including finance (looking at joint accounts) or lifestyle, looking at the worst and best cities for marriage in the UK.

The data can be presented in various ways, for example: you could look at the cities in the UK that had the highest marriage stats in the pandemic, or look at the cities which has the highest divorce rates, to discover the worst city for a love story.

House price statistics for small areas in England and Wales: year ending June 2021 release on the 1st February

ONS also releases data quarterly on house prices and the number of transactions for property sales in England and Wales. This data could be useful for various clients in different sectors.

Firstly: a housing client could look at first time buyers in the UK and look at the destinations with the highest population of first-time buyers, using stats such as age, sex, and gender. This is a perfect opportunity for regional coverage, looking at areas that have had the most sales, and breaking the stats up into regions instead of cities or towns.


We hope that you found this round-up useful when considering your content for the week ahead. If you’d like to see more of our work, simply head over to our PR page.