Charity and Environment Commitments

It’s our responsibility to protect the world around us.

We’re all about growth – but alongside that growth comes giving back. Part of our mission statement here at C3 is to do good – for our environment, our industry, and our community.

Our partnership with Ecologi to offset our carbon footprint and our eco-friendly office initiatives help us to lessen our environmental impact, while we support important local charity initiatives with our Charity & Environment Committee.

Keep reading to find out how we’re giving back at connective3.

Our charitable work

Our Charity & Environment committee plans a calendar full of charity events for the year, as well as looking at what environmental initiatives we can implement to improve our carbon footprint. So far we’ve had clothes and book swaps, charity football matches, litter picks and more.

Yearly volunteering programme

Each year, we give two of our team members the chance to go anywhere in the world to volunteer, completely covered by c3. From supporting women’s development and education in Nepal to cleaning beaches in Puerto Rico, we’re proud that C3 staff members are making a difference all over the world.

Charity fundraising

Our employees pick charities that we support across the year, giving them the chance to support causes near and dear to their heart. Our Charity committee then helps to plan charity events across the year – Macmillan coffee mornings, football matches, charity runs, and more. For every pound that our team raise, Connective3 match the donation, as part of our commitment to giving back.

Seb volunteering in Canada
c3 team at run club
Jonah in Puerto Rico
Frankie in Nepal
c3 team litter pick

Our environmental commitment

We’re working to help protect the planet and offset our carbon footprint. We’ve teamed up with Ecologi, an environmental change company who offset carbon impact by planting trees, and investing in environmentally conscious initiatives globally to help offset your carbon consumption.

So far we’ve planted over 18,000 trees, have invested in converting landfill gases to energy in Turkey, and have helped with peatland restoration in Indonesia.

As our team continues to grow, so will our investment, to ensure that we are consciously offsetting our impact alongside our growth.

In addition, we’re committed to reducing our impact closer to home, with initiatives in place in our offices across Leeds, London, and Manchester to actively encourage environmentally friendly working.

Our journey

Where we are on our journey to becoming a low carbon business…


projects funded


tCO2e avoided


trees funded


Tonnes of CO2e is equivalent to one of the following


Long haul flights


Metres2 of sea ice saved


Miles driven in a car

What about our offices?

Rainwater harvesting

Taking water and storing it for use in irrigation and in toilets too.

Rooftop solar panels

To power our building and give energy back to the grid

PIR sensors

To detect presence and turn lights on and off.

VRF heat recovery

To independently heat or cool rooms dependant on temperature.

Stay updated

Still interested?

Want to know more about our environmental commitment, or how we could help you with your digital performance? Contact us today.

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